Non Breathing Patient and CPR
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First Aid: Assessing and Responding to an Unconscious Person
Initial Assessment and Breathing Check
Upon approaching an unconscious person, perform the following steps:
- Initial Assessment: Determine the person's condition and perform a breathing check.
- Breathing Check: Open the airway and observe for breathing for up to 10 seconds.
- Identifying Agonal Breathing: Note gasping noises, which may indicate agonal breathing, a sign of death.
Activating Emergency Services
If the person is not breathing, take immediate action:
- Call Emergency Services: Dial 999 for an ambulance.
- Request an AED: Ask for an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) from the reception or nearest available.
- Delegating Tasks: If alone, leave the patient briefly to call for help and retrieve the AED.
Performing CPR
When CPR is necessary, follow these steps:
- CPR Technique: Perform chest compressions to manually circulate blood.
- Using an AED: If available, follow the AED's voice instructions for administering shocks and performing CPR.
- Importance of Emergency Services: Ensure timely arrival of medical professionals who can provide advanced care.
By following these procedures promptly and effectively, you can significantly improve the chances of survival for an unconscious individual.
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